Why Online Gamblers Fall for the Illusion of Control

Why Online Gamblers Fall for the Illusion of Control

An illusion of control can be a single of the biggest cognitive biases associated with gambling. This can lead players to risk too much and can lead to the loss of money, addiction as well as other issues.

The study reveals that basic Luck/Chance distortions are connected to gambling-related problems and not with aptitude or skill.

The illusion of control

An illusion of control can be among of the most commonly-cited cognitive mistakes that contribute to problems with gambling. It is based on the assumption that gambling involves skill and that gamblers have the ability to anticipate or know the outcomes of their bets by employing appropriate methods. This type of erroneous thinking could be especially dangerous in times of losing streaks when people are anxious and want to recover their losses.

Because of this, they could engage in riskier behaviors and put more bets than they otherwise. They can be influenced an upward counterfactual belief the bias that makes the players believe that they would have succeeded if did things in a different way (Darke & Freedman 1997a).

It can also lead to the practice of rituals and superstitions, like making certain gestures or saying certain words before placing bets. Be aware of the psychology behind online gambling. It will enable you recognize and take on unfounded beliefs and behaviors that could affect your decision-making.


The 12bet gamblers who are frequent develop superstitions around their gaming habits. It is possible to rub the rabbit’s feet, wear lucky socks or even wear a specific team jersey to help enhance their chances of winning. Bettors may even make a whistle in hopes of bringing luck. Ultimately, these superstitions provide examples of the accessibility heuristic which occurs when individuals take their judgments and actions upon readily accessible information.

Another type of common gambling superstition is that one would have won more had they had been more lucky. This can be described as the upward counterfactual in the eyes of researchers. This leads to an unrealistic expectation that you are likely to be successful. The thought process can have a negative impact on gambling behaviour, and may be a cause of pathological gamble. Actually, a research study on upward counterfactual thinking and gambling behaviors (Holub and co., 2003) observed that gamblers with high levels of upward counterfactual thought had less winnings than people with lower amounts of this kind of thinking.

Pattern Recognition and Randomness

It’s easy to get swept up in online thrills and excitement of gambling. Although luck definitely can play a part but there’s a great deal that you control.

In the event that a near-win (like an almost-win), occurs, this could trigger a sense of anticipation. This in turn fuels the player’s urge to continue betting, hoping that a win could be just around the corner. This is called “chasing loss.” But, unfortunately, this can result in further financial losses, and possibly psychological troubles.

The researchers believe one reason the reason this behaviour occurs is because people are more likely to apply generalizations of their personal control. Also, they use shortcuts or heuristics in order to assist them make decisions and judgments. One such heuristic is called the availability heuristic. tends to base choices on easily accessible information. Upward counterfactual thinking may assist in counteracting this issue and prevent gambling problems.

Emotional Impact

Gambling is an intricate activity where losses and wins are inevitable. If they are losing, people may be frustrated and anxious or even desperate to recoup their losses. It could lead to a vicious cycle where emotions take precedence over rational decisions. Cognitive distortions, such as the illusion of control as well as the gambler’s fallacy, come in.

Religious rituals, myths, and deceptions can give an illusion of security in a world where skill and luck can be blurred and fate is in control. However, it is important to be aware of and confront these beliefs that are irrational in order to prevent their negative impacts on gambling behaviour.

Positive thinking is the most important factor for success when it comes to online gambling. It will help gamblers be able to get past negative emotions and maintain confidence in their skills. This can also encourage them to take strategic, higher-risk strategies to gamble, which could lead to significant payouts. Our study also found that belief in luck wasn’t related to the problem of gambling among those who participated at the beginning or for six months, but it was significantly linked to an upward-facing counterfactual mindset.

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